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- 1603 116th Ave NE
- Ste 100
- Bellevue, WA 98004
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Martha A. Lindley, CPA
- Phone: 425-455-4800
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Martha has over nineteen years experience in public accounting, specializing in governmental entities and not-for-profit organizations, especially those requiring audits under OMB Uniform Guidance. Her government experience includes state (technical colleges), municipal (county and city) and local (school districts and water districts). Her not-for-profit experience includes social service agencies, housing projects, and foundations. Services include audit, consulting and related tax preparation. She has an extensive background in internal control assessment and fraud/forensic accounting. Martha’s background includes over six years with two of Seattle’s top ten largest CPA firms as an audit manager/supervisor in the government and not-for-profit division. She served four years as a state auditor, and five years as a controller in private industry. NATIONAL SPEAKER
Martha is a national speaker for Surgent Professional CPE and formerly for the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, instructing other CPAs throughout the nation since 2000. Her topics include Not for Profit and Governmental Accounting and Auditing Standards, Compliance with OMB Uniform Guidance, and Advanced Auditing of HUD- Assisted Projects.
In the past nineteen years, Martha has performed, supervised or managed over one hundred audits under OMB Uniform Guidance. She is proficient in the compliance requirements of numerous federal agencies. She has also performed audits under Washington governmental compliance. PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS • American Institute of Certified Public Accountants • Washington State Society of Certified Public Accountants • United Way of King County Audit Review Committee • Washington State Society of Certified Public Accountants Not-for-Profit Committee
Bachelor of Arts - Business Administration, double major: accounting and finance WA State University Bachelor of Arts – Psychology, clinical – University of Washington